To schedule a time on Wanda’s calendar for an interview, please click here.

If you would like to interview Wanda Allen about her expertise in follow up sales strategies, whether it be for for a podcast, radio/TV show, blog, YouTube channel or any other medium, you can find useful interview information below to ensure your interview is a total success.


What do so many sales people and companies have in common? LOST REVENUE! Why? Because they don’t follow up; they don’t follow up enough; they don’t follow up properly; and as a result they lose thousands if not millions of dollars every year. Why don’t salespeople follow up? Truth is, they either don’t know how, don’t know what to say or they don’t have the right systems in place. What can be done about this? One simple step…schedule a time to talk to Wanda about how she can help you strengthen your follow up skills. The primary skill that is crucial to closing more sales and having stronger relationships.


Wanda is an International Speaker, Coach, Corporate Trainer and she’s the author of Follow Up Sales Strategies. Prior to founding her follow up sales strategies company, Wanda had a very successful 25 year corporate career. She spent the majority of her career managing SBA Departments. She managed departments that did $100M+ in annual loan volume. It was through that experience that she developed a very strong skill for creating systems. After managing SBA Departments for 15 years, she accepted a position as branch manager which put her into sales. One of the first things she did in her new position was she thoroughly studied the sales process and discovered how critical follow up is to every single stage in the process. She decided to take her strong skill of creating systems and applied it to the follow up process. Within 9 months of having the systems in place, she brought in her first $1,000,000 account and has had many successes since then. After leaving her corporate position, she founded her company Follow Up Sales Strategies. Her career is now devoted to helping sales professionals, entrepreneurs and business owners improve their follow up and relationship management skills. What she teaches is tried, tested and proven.


You are free to ask any of the following questions or create a few of your own after reading what’s below.

1. Why don’t companies (and sales people) follow up?

2. What is one strategy companies (and sales people) can do to improve their follow up efforts?

3. What’s the biggest follow up fear most people struggle with?

4. Do you offer private training or coaching to companies and sales professionals that want to learn your follow up methods?

5. Tell me about your speaking services.

6. How can sales professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs get a hold of you if they want more information about your follow up sales strategies?


Here are some images you might like to place on your website, blog or wherever you plan to post your interview with Wanda.



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